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Internet portal and search engine from South Korea.

jQuery: The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library.

A semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.

A jQuery slider toolkit.

iOS Safari instructions for mobile web apps

This site uses the viewport meta tag which means the content may be optimized for mobile content.

Using this tag you can set up your web app to have an application shortcut icon added to a device's homescreen, and have the app launch in full-screen "app mode".

Website using Instagram integrations or links.

Website with links to Instagram profiles or pictures

Websites using Google technologies

nginx [engine x] is a HTTP server and mail proxy server written by Igor Sysoev.

websites using the $ symbol on their website - meaning it may accept payment in this currency used in Israel.

The website contains Adobe Flash content embeded without the use of JavaScript.

The Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) enables Websites to express their privacy practices in a standard format that can be retrieved automatically and interpreted easily by user agents. P3P user agents will allow users to be informed of site practices (in both machine- and human-readable formats) and to automate dec...

The DOCTYPE is a required preamble for HTML5 websites.

Allows a website to define how a page is rendered in Internet Explorer 8, allowing a website to decide to use IE7 style rendering over IE8 rendering.

Meta descriptions are HTML attributes that provide concise explanations of the contents of web pages. Meta descriptions are commonly used on search engine result pages (SERPs) to display preview snippets for a given page.

The http-equiv attribute provides an HTTP header for the information/value of the content attribute. The http-equiv attribute can be used to simulate an HTTP response header.

When running in a browser on a mobile phone, "format-detection" meta tag determines whether or not telephone numbers in the HTML content will appear as hypertext links. The user can click a link with a telephone number to initiate a phone call to that phone number.

Wesites using favicon rel tag

Meta Keywords are a specific type of meta tag that appear in the HTML code of a Web page and help tell search engines what the topic of the page is.

This page contains a meta robots tag which tells search engines and robots to index or not index the page.

The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph, a open protocol supported by Facebook

Google's hosted library for web fonts. Allows websites to choose and use fonts from a free, wide variety of fonts.

The iconic font and CSS toolkit