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Ads.txt stands for Authorized Digital Sellers and is a simple, flexible and secure method that publishers and distributors can use to publicly declare the companies they authorize to sell their digital inventory.

Early Birds is a french based personalization platform.

AdSense is an ad serving application run by Google. Website owners can enroll in the program to enable text, image, and, more recently, video advertisements on their websites. These advertisements are administered by Google and generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis. Google not only offers AdSense for ...

Open source shopping cart solution

A freely available eCommerce plugin that enables shop facilities on your WordPress website.

DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry.

FedEx Corporation is an American multinational courier delivery services company headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee.

The United States Postal Service, is an independent agency of the United States federal government responsible for providing postal service in the United States.

A simple library that provides standard Unicode emoji support across all platforms.

Wordpress SEO Plugin

Websites embedding Google maps.

Websites using some form of Captcha technology on them.

Anti-bot CAPTCHA widget that helps digitize books by providing snippets of books for people to enter the text for. Owned by Google.

CloudFlare is a global CDN and DNS provider that can speed up and protect any site online.

Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser and allows you to target specific browser functionality in your stylesheet.

Filter & sort magical layouts

Cascading grid layout library

Lightbox is small javascript library used to overlay images on top of the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.

jQuery: The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library.

jQuery plugin for infinite scrolling.

Websites using some type of Facebook technology.

Websites using Google technologies

Google APIs are application programming interfaces developed by Google which allow communication with Google Services and their integration to other services.

iOS Safari instructions for mobile web apps

This site uses the viewport meta tag which means the content may be optimized for mobile content.

Websites with cart functionality on them

Websites that accepts payments with American Express.

Websites that accepts payments with Visa.

Websites that accept payment with JCB

Websites that accepts payments with MasterCard.

iDEAL is a payment method made up of a collection of agreements and standards for an immediate online transfer from a purchaser’s bank account to the bank account of a webshop or organisation.

Stripe is a developer-friendly way to accept payments online and in mobile apps.

Apple Pay payments on the web provides an easy and secure way to pay on websites in Safari. By using Touch ID or double-clicking Apple Watch, users can quickly and securely provide their payment, shipping, and contact information to check out with just one touch.

PayPal is a American international e-commerce service that enables companies and individuals to send money and to accept payments without revealing any financial details.

Payment system from Alibaba Group.

Website using the £ symbol on their website - meaning it may accept payment in this British currency.

Facebook Connect allow users to connect their Facebook identity, friends and, privacy to any website. Facebook Connect is Facebook's first attempt to allow access to Facebook user data outside of Facebook itself. The company is describing it as giving third party applications access to much of the same data as Facebook applicat...

See what your Facebook friends have liked, shared, or commented on across the Web. This includes all variations of Like, Share and Follow Buttons, Embedded Posts, Comments, Activity Feed, Recommendations Feed, Recommendations Bar, Like Box and Facepile.

A jQuery slider toolkit.

A semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.

WordPress Page Builder

Forum software that runs within a WordPress blog.

Website that accept Monero as payment method

Website that accept bitcoin as payment method

Websites using some type of cookie consent system

A family of standard web feed formats used to publish frequently updated information like blog entries, news headlines, audio and video.

Allows a website to define how a page is rendered in Internet Explorer 8, allowing a website to decide to use IE7 style rendering over IE8 rendering.

Websites using https protocol.

The DOCTYPE is a required preamble for HTML5 websites.

The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph, a open protocol supported by Facebook

This page contains a meta robots tag which tells search engines and robots to index or not index the page.

Meta descriptions are HTML attributes that provide concise explanations of the contents of web pages. Meta descriptions are commonly used on search engine result pages (SERPs) to display preview snippets for a given page.

The http-equiv attribute provides an HTTP header for the information/value of the content attribute. The http-equiv attribute can be used to simulate an HTTP response header.

A canonical link element is an HTML element that helps webmasters prevent duplicate content issues by specifying the "canonical", or "preferred".

UTF-8 (8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format) is a variable-length character encoding for Unicode. It is the preferred encoding for web pages.

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