Recent Technology Changes in

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Technologies in use by

Unified Advertising and Analytics solutions from Google

Google Analytics is a service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about a website's traffic and traffic sources and measures conversions and sales. Google Analytics can track visitors from all referrers, including search engines and social networks, direct visits and referring sites. It also displays advertisin...

With the embedded video player you can easily add Facebook videos and Facebook live videos to your website.

Websites using some type of Facebook technology.

Websites using Google technologies

Google APIs are application programming interfaces developed by Google which allow communication with Google Services and their integration to other services.

The Apache HTTP Server is an open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS/X and Netware. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible server that provides HTTP services observing the current HTTP standards. Apache has been the most popular web server ...

Phusion Passenger - a.k.a. mod_rails or mod_rack - is a web server and application server, designed to be fast, robust and lightweight. Administration tools allow you to gain insight into web application operations and server performance.

Ruby on Rails is an open-source web framework that is optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration.

Enyo is a JavaScript app framework enabling developers to build native-quality HTML5 apps that run everywhere.

Google Tag Manager makes it easy for marketers to add and update website tags including analytics, remarketing, and more.

Previously Google Apps for Business. G Suite is a cloud-based productivity suite that helps you and your team connect and get work done from anywhere on any device. It's simple to setup, use and manage, allowing you to work smarter and focus on what really matters.

Websites using https protocol.

The DOCTYPE is a required preamble for HTML5 websites.

UTF-8 (8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format) is a variable-length character encoding for Unicode. It is the preferred encoding for web pages.

Google's hosted library for web fonts. Allows websites to choose and use fonts from a free, wide variety of fonts.